“You story is not shameful. You are not broken.”
It seems only fitting that my 7th Breath to Breath interview should be with myself, given I have now been in business for 7 months! In this episode, I share how I went from a chain-smoking Adderall addict to a breathwork, meditation and yoga instructor and finally learned how to handle stress and fixed my airway and mouth breathing difficulties! This is my most raw and authentic version of myself and it’s a honor to share it with you.
And whenever you are ready to rip you bandaid off your breathing difficulties and challenges, I am here to help.
Set up your free 15-minute consult to discuss your case specifically by filling out the contact form on my website.
VIDEO CORRECTION: I said psychologist in the video and I meant psychiatrist. Thanks!
Perrin P. White, MSP, CCC-SLP, COM®, RTY® 200 is a certified and licensed Speech-Language Pathologist with a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA). She has extensive training in the identification and treatment of orofacial myofunctional disorders and is certified through the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM). In December 2020, Perrin became a registered yoga teacher (RYT® 200) and later became a Certified YOGABODY Breathing Coach and Certified OxygenAdvantage Functional Breathing Trainer. Perrin treats clients of all ages individually, in groups and also as families to help retrain breathing patterns and take their deepest breath! She also speaks to various groups on the benefits of breathwork and meditation, teaches weekly yoga, breathwork and meditation classes and offers various workshops locally in Greenville, SC, where she is from.
INSTAGRAM: @breathewellbewell
YOUTUBE: Breathe Well Be Well
EMAIL: perrin@breathewellbewell.info