Breath to Breath: Interview with Josh Duntz of Stasis

“You can’t see the light if you don’t go through the dark.”

— Josh Duntz

I had the honor or talking with Stasis co-founder and CEO, Josh Duntz! In this conversation, we covered several topics including what is Stasis, what brought Josh to the breath, thinking of the breath as “gears” to shift through, how the military influenced Josh’s journey to breathwork, the inception of Stasis from his experience in the military, Josh’s daily breathing practice, the plasticity and elasticity of the body, modeling health to others and his military brothers, transitioning from the military to a civilian, the impact of Stasis on helping support long-COVID patients, Josh’s work with Dr. Putrino’s Long Covid Recovery Clinic in Mt. Sinai, and the shift of medical professionals to support breathwork as a prescription for health.

Additional names and programs mentioned in this conversation include Brian MacKenzieRob Wilson, Emily Hightower, and SH//FT.


Josh Duntz is a Navy Special Operations 10-year veteran who was a member of the Navy’s elite EOD unit which specialize in performing missions neutralizing explosive weapons in almost every environment while ensuring safe passage of troops in combat zones.  Following the military, Josh transitioned his personal passion of the breath into his professional calling becoming a breathing coach, human performance specialist, and co-founder/CEO of Stasis.


INSTAGRAM: @joshduntz

LINKEDIN: Josh Duntz

TWITTER: @JoshDuntz

Have an idea for a future BREATH TO BREATH interview? Email me! Perrin Live with intention. Move with gratitude. Breathe with purpose.

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